Monday, May 17, 2010

The primaries are coming

On June 8 we will be voting in state and local primary elections. 2 elections to be watching are the California run of republican candidates Whitman and poysner. Poysner is more to the right of Whitman and so is less of a viable candidate. But I'd like to see Whitman spend 64 million dollars of her own money to lose the election. It seems wrong that there are contribution limits on public funds but a candidate can spend as much of their own money as they'd like. Makes me wonder why she wants it so much.
In Arkansas Bill Halter and Blanche Lincoln are running against each other. Bill Halter is to the left of Lincoln. It looks like Blanche is going to win, but Halter likely has a better chance of winning against Mike Beebe in the General election.

What has the BP disaster done for the nations view on off shore drilling? A small shift from 60% to 50% still supporting offshore drilling.

The European Union is going to bail out Greece amidst concern that if they don't countries that are already in debt, like Spain and Portugal will collapse under the pressure.